World leader in large tethered balloons, AEROPHILE offers innovative solutions for outdoor air quality.

Type Company
Founded 1993
Company Size 30
Member Type
Founders Jérôme GIACOMONI and Matthieu GOBBI
Headquarters 75015 Paris, France
Social network


AEROPHILE offers innovative solutions for outdoor air quality: 1. the Para-PM, an innovative air purifier for outdoor or semi-open spaces (schoolyards, subways, sports facilities, etc.). Highly efficient, it eliminates 95% of PM2.5 fine particles with a high flow rate, minimal energy consumption, minimum maintenance and no waste. Para-PM technology, based on an innovative ionization and electrostatic filtration process, was chosen by SOLIDEO (Société de Livraison des Ouvrages Olympiques) to purify the air in the Place des Athlètes. 2. the air quality balloon, a tool for measuring air quality and raising public awareness. The best-known of these is the Paris Generali balloon, which has been measuring air quality in the capital since 2008, as well as being an attraction that allows visitors to admire Paris from the sky, at an altitude of 150 m.
Headquarters 75015 Paris, France

SDG’s of application

The Sustainable Development Goals are a call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure peace and prosperity everywhere.
Clean water and sanitation
SDG 6 icon
Affordable and clean energy
SDG 7 icon
Industry, innovation and infrastructure
SDG 9 icon
SDG 11
Sustainable cities and communities
SDG 11 icon
SDG 12
Responsible consumption and production
SDG 12 icon

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