Member - Wayout International

Plug and play micro factories for local production of water and beverages

Type Company
Founded 2018
Company Size 6
Member Type
Founders Ulf Stenerhag, Martin Renck, Mattias Liss, Chintu Patel
Headquarters 114 34 Stockholm, Suède
Social network
Wayout International


We make sustainable turn-key micro factories, offered for lease to clients that see the opportunities in locally producing water and beverages with a minimal eco footprint. Unsustainable industrialization, transportation and food supply logistics are massive carbon dioxide producers and main drivers of inequity, pandemics and climate change. The distribution of beverages is a major pollutant in the world. Bottled water uses 2,000 times more energy than tap water. Every day, 1.4 billion plastic bottles are sold. More than 90 percent is not recycled. It takes at least 450 years for a plastic bottle to completely degrade. In the meantime it turns into toxins and microplastics that end up in the oceans and inside all living things. In developing countries, the absence of infrastructure and systems for recycling and waste management affects people's ability to lead healthy and sustainable lives. Beyond the obvious health implications, the lack of safe drinking water also damages educational and economic prospects, making long-term development even more difficult. Food and beverage production is built on out-dated structures with ingrained problems that are costly both for business and consumers – and for the planet. The problems we as humanity face can’t be resolved if we still think the way we thought when we created them. We need to think outside the box and dare to break free from the structures that hold us back. The technology is already here – we just need to get it out there and put it to use. Instead of shipping pre-packaged beverages around the planet – producing tons and tons of excess carbon dioxide and leaving billions of plastic bottles in the wake – we provide a sustainable alternative for local coverage of water and beverages. By relocating the benefits of the business to where the products are consumed, we enable local prosperity, we by-pass the outdated industrial structures, and we help humanity transition to a greener, healthier and safer future. We currently offer two concepts: the Beverage Module, producing water, soft drinks and brewed beverages served on site, and Water as a Service, producing perfect drinking water distributed locally in reusable connected vessels. Both concepts include micro factories that are fully automated and operated via smartphone apps. Both remove up to 200,000 plastic bottles and 8 tons of carbon dioxide every month.
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Headquarters 114 34 Stockholm, Suède

SDG’s of application

The Sustainable Development Goals are a call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure peace and prosperity everywhere.
Clean water and sanitation
SDG 6 icon
Affordable and clean energy
SDG 7 icon
Industry, innovation and infrastructure
SDG 9 icon
SDG 11
Sustainable cities and communities
SDG 11 icon
SDG 12
Responsible consumption and production
SDG 12 icon

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